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How search engine see webpages : SEO Strategy

search engine see webpages

As I had already mentioned in my previous post that “Search Engines” don’t see what you and me see while using a webpage. The vision of bots and crawlers of search engine are basic html, i.e, they don’t see the styling css. Take a look into how search engine see webpages.

How human users see webpage of yours:

Here, I have grabbed a screenshot of as seen by human users.

Vision of a webpage by human beings like you and me

How search Engine see webpages :

Vision of webpage by bots and crawlers of search engine

From the above images, you can find that humans visualise a webpage with css styling and high User Experience levels. Bots on the other hand read plain html and make out whether your webpage contains rich content compared to others. This implies that search engine rely more on your alt keywords for images. Make sure they are relevant to the content of the image. Though search engine see webpage’s image, parsing error might occur which makes rendering details about image difficult without alt text.

With the help of vision difference, let me make you understand the effect of Flash content on search engine bots.

How human users see your webpage with flash content:

Here, I have taken a screenshot of a complete flash based website

flash content in website as seen by human

How Search Engine see your webpage:

how flash content are seen by search engines

From the couple of above image, the strong objection of flash content by Search Engines is shown. Search Engines donot evaluate flash content. This is due to less intelligent bots and crawlers.

For your website: Want to know how search engine see webpages ? Worry Not. Visit and see how search engine see your webpage.