Create Google Adsense account
Google Adsense network is one of the best contextual ad network available in the market. So, here I would suggest you the best way to create your Google Adsense account. Adsense is known for their higher payout rates and for displaying Targeted Ads.
Also Read: Why Should you Apply for Google Adsense Monetization?
In this post, I would explain how to create google Adsense account and also some tips to increase your chance of successful website clearance for Adsense.
The Process of Creating and Displaying Ads on your website is simple and can be broken into 3 simple steps
1. Get registered with your Google Account / your domain email id.
2. Fetch an Ad unit javascript code and place it on your blog.
3. Wait for Adsense Approval to display Ads on your website.
Make sure you have read the Terms and Conditions of using Adsense and also read the AdSense Policy Statements.
The Application Process is crucial and I will give you tips that can make the application part simpler and smarter.
Step 1: You have to visit Google Adsense Application Signup Page.
You can see an option to signup with google account. I would personally recommend you to signup with domain email address. You can host a domain email for free at Zoho Mail. The reason is google loves professional blogs, and registering with your domain emails just makes a plus point for approval.
Step 2: Enter your basic website Information:
Step 3: Fill in your contact Information:
This Step is very crucial and any mistake might make you regret a long time. The Payee Name specified in the signup form must be the name on the bank account. Once a Payee name is registered, it cannot be changed further easily.
Once you have completed and agreed to the Terms & Conditions, you are all set to link Adsense to your website. Wait for the Google Adsense Team to confirm your website for displaying Ads.
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