When one wants to start blogging – be it professional or personal, there are various Content Managing Systems that can help one out. To name a few, WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr etc. Considering WordPress Vs Blogger here, both the Content Managing system provides you the ability to publish a post, but wait! Which one of them makes your blog better and makes your heart feel better?
Word of Caution: I am going to compare the self-hosted WordPress [Wordpress.org] and self-hosted blogger platform. This is not the comparison for WordPress.com and Blogger.
1. WordPress will be your long-term partner:
Wordpress is an open source Blogging platform, which makes it not controlled by a single company or organisation. In short, WordPress can never face a death situation. On the other hand, blogger is solely managed and released by Google. The demise of Blogger may not be near, but it is always possible for Google to shut down their service. It’s worth noting that in the past google had also shut down its Google Reader, Adsense for Feeds and also its feed burner service.
2. Extend your functionalities with WordPress Plugins:
Plugins are a very rich feature of WordPress. Plugins help you implement any custom functionality and feature extension to your blog. Say, if you are on your verge to sell a book on your blog, WordPress plugins make it simple and efficient for adding a cart functionality. You are always free to choose from thousands of hundreds of plugins for WordPress. On the other hand, blogger has a limited feature set implementation. The templates provided are basic and ready to use, yet modification gets highly impractical.
3. Search your preferred theme from featured WordPress theme templates:
Theme templates can be told as the building blocks of your blog. WordPress had always had its hand extended to help you with a huge set of themes each one contrasting as well as resembling others. You get to choose your themes more vividly and picking from a wide range just satisfies your high expectations.
4. Design a Blog high end in features and rich in outlooks:
As I had mentioned about the open-source policy of WordPress, it is completely possible and viable to edit the theme template code, plugin code and every single line of HTML, CSS, and PHP used in making your blog. This gives you the complete control of the Blog appearance which is terribly the killing feature of WordPress that makes it superior to Google’s Blogger.
There is quite a ridiculous misconception that building your blog on blogger might make you more visible in Google search engines. This is a terribly wrong fact, and I haven’t found Google supporting blogger over WordPress.
Top Reasons you might consider making your blog on Google’s Blogger service:
Google’s Blogger service appears to be preferred more by non-tech savvy people. You are more bound to choose blogger platform if you start your blog as a personal one, not a professional one. If you have thoughts of monetizing your blog for money down the priority list, you are well and good to opt for Blogger. Blogger is terribly simple to get started and is highly efficient in making your efforts to create a blog simple. Well, if you think you don’t belong to this category, you are advised to opt for WordPress!
WordPress Vs Blogger is a terribly important question for starters and choosing the wrong one initially doesn’t make things complicated. You can always switch your website from a Blogger Platform to WordPress Platform or vice-versa.
Nothing beats experience:
Though I had covered the ups and downs of WordPress Vs Blogger, bloggers are recommended to try out free hosted wordpress and free hosted blogger websites and make their own wise decision.