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How much does AdSense Revenue share with publishers?

how much Adsense revenue does Google share

Adsense Revenue Share Explained

Google AdSense is one of the top paying contextual Ad network available in the market. Adsense gets its base revenue via Google Adwords. Adwords is the Advertising platform for all market products. Advertisers pay Google Adwords to display their Ads. Publishers retrieve the Ad units via Google Adsense and thus, Google Ads get displayed onto several websites. So, if you are a publisher, you must have had a tough time understanding what revenue google share with you.

At early times, no publisher was aware of the revenue shared by google to publishers. In an Official Announcement, Google had revealed the Adsense revenue share for two of it’s hot Adsense Products:

1. Adsense for Content

2. Google Adsense for Search [ Google Custom Search Engine ]

Google Adsense for content:

Adsense for content shares 68% of Ad revenue with their publishers.

Google Adsense for content is the main source of income for many blogs and news channels online. The rest 32% of Ad revenue is sustained by google. It is used to develop and maintain the platform connecting Adwords and Adsense users. With a number of blogs on the rise which implies a number of publishers on the rise, 68% Ad revenue share seems acceptable.

Google Adsense for Search: [Google Custom Search Engine]

Google Adsense for search shares 51% of Ad revenue with publishers.

Google Adsense for Search is a search tool available for Adsense publishers to embed google search onto their website. This is called Custom Search Engine and it’s SERP gives preference to your web pages and also displays Google Ads in SERP.

Other Google Adsense Units:

As listed above, google adsense had revealed it’s revenue share for only 2 Adsense units. ‘Adsense for search’ and ‘Adsense for content’.

Other AdSense units include Adsense for Feeds, Adsense for Games and Mobile Applications. Google had not revealed the revenue share for the above units. Google made a quick statement on the reason for not disclosing the revenue share. The reason is that google is still learning the cost endured for the above services as they are quickly evolving.

Benefits of Knowing the Adsense revenue share:

This transparency will help your Business/ blog make good revenue and in turn develop on a marginal scale. Google had revealed the revenue share for publishers to get more insight into choosing Adsense. Google Adsense is a high paying PPC network. In order for publishers to acknowledge the fact, google had to jot down the revenue shares. This stats help you understand that you can make high income per impression from Adsense as compared to other networks.

Word Of Caution in understanding Adsense Revenue share :

Don’t get misled by the concept of Ad revenue share. Stats mentioned by Other PPC networks might not fetch you more revenue. Google had showcased this with an example as shown,

Additionally, when considering different monetization options, we encourage you to focus on the total revenue generated from your site, rather than just revenue share, which can be misleading. For example, you would receive $68 with AdSense for content for $100 worth of advertising that appeared on your site. If another ad network offers an 80% revenue share but is only able to collect $50 from ads served on your site, you would earn $40. In this case, a higher revenue share wouldn’t make up for the lower revenue yield of the other ad network.

What do you feel about the revenue share? Feel free to use our comment section for your opinions.