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Choose Blog domain name for new blog – Growth Strategy

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How do I choose a blog domain name ?

The concern with most amateur bloggers is that the visitors should never misinterpret the niche of the blog. When the blog name is misinterpreted, then the blog can have its end. The factors that are greatly affected when you choose blog domain name is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), direct traffic, growth rate, branding, audience recognition and a lot more.

For example,

EXAMPLE 1: If you are planning to build a food blog, you can have a blog name as (, but always remember, when you go with specific names that relate to your products, you no longer can shift your niche of the blog.

Example 2:  My blog name is  TakenMind ( TakenMind doesn’t directly relate to any specific genre or niche, thus, I can use TakenMind for any niche I think is better. This also gives me the flexibility to change the blog niche anytime.


In Example 1, we get that the domain name is rich in keywords that can be directly related to the search engines. This is really good in terms of SEO strategy, thus, can boost traffic tremendously. The thing that doesn’t quite the example 1 is its inability to adapt to any other niches.

It is important for every beginner blogger to understand that the name of the blog is like the suit a person wears. A person who wears coat and suit is assumed to be a superior authority person when compared to a person who wears a torn out shirt and trousers.  This main reason, demands your blog name to be pleasant and attractive. Down the lane, I had understood that catchy names grab attention easily. It is easy to brand catchy names and hence, growth strategies become a little bit easier, nevertheless, it needs some serious efforts. It is common for bloggers to face difficulty in selecting an apt blog name.

On my personal note, I took 2 – 3 weeks in coming up with an apt blog name. Believe me, It is difficult to choose one and you must be open to all point of views.


So, What are the main strategy to choose blog domain name :

Here are some important points to keep in mind while you choose a blog domain name

  1. Check for any other blog/business with similar domain names
  2. Make sure when you choose blog domain name, it is Catchy and easily readable, recognisable
  3. The niche of the blog is relevant to the chosen domain name (optional), but never let the name be relevant to a niche that you are not targeting to write upon.
  4. The Readers would be able to recognise the blog name easily.
  5. The blog domain name portrays the essence of the blog.


As I had mentioned above that the name of blog domain is like the dress an individual would wear. You may have great quality content inside, but the on-lookers are prone to decide you with your dress. As a matter of fact, there are more than one billion blogs on the internet.

How the domain name of the blog should be?

Choose blog domain name short and reasonable. Many people can advise you to go with giving a name that is more elaborate and precisely different from others, but when you stand on the growth curve, you might realise they are all wrong. So, remember the viewers don’t have enough time to memorise your blog name and neither will they take an effort to. A short, catchy, reasonable name is good to go.


Getting the right name for your blog

When you are in the search for a decent blog name, make sure that the chosen name encapsulates the purpose of the blog. Having a blog with a single name is good, but a blog with 2 names can be more preferable with SEO guidelines.Choose a 2 or 3-word blog domain name seems good enough for people to remember the names. Having names that are abstract and makes little sense together would be great.

A common word can be described as expressions, verbs etc.. These names are out there and are very common. For Example, let us see the 2 names – Techtips, TechTricks. Both these names are highly similar, and thus, every user would find it difficult to differentiate among the two. Check out the synonyms for the words of your choice, thus you may get alternatives in your taste of blog domain names, and at the same time, maintain uniqueness.

The idea of using a keyword that is similar to the blog niche is definitely great. In terms of SEO, it has potential to boost up your pages on search results. At the same time, there is no problem if you don’t choose a keyword at all, and choose blog domain name more raw and abstract.

Sometimes, you may not be able to brand the blog name with keywords easily. That time, we can settle without any keyword in it. Check their availability at Godaddy or any other domain provider, take suggestions from your friends or family. A catchy name is all we need at last. Hence choose blog domain name wisely.

A blog name should be easy to type and should also sound peculiar and unique. When the user’s type the blog name, they should be able to replicate the spellings easily. They should not end up feeling like watching a horror story.

  1. It should be easy to type
  2. Good enough to portray the site idea
  3. Easy to remember

A suitable tagline and logo can boost up the remembrance of your blog to your visitors effectively. The benefits of direct traffic to a website or blog can be directly related to the blog domain names.


Bottom Line while you Choose Blog Domain Name :

The above are standard rules that can be followed to name your blog. Make sure the domain name could convey the niche clean and precise – the shorter and better it describes, more good it is. It is good when the language of the blog is in English as more than 80% searches are made in the English language on google. Say ‘NO’ to regional language names if you want to see better growth.

More than the blog names, the content of the blog is essentially important. The best names are prone to come naturally when you don’t even bother thinking about it. All you can do is, look out for that catch phrases, join them and mould them to create a blog domain name.


What are your views on the whole blog domain name ideas? How did you come up with a name for your blog? Are you getting direct traffic from your blog? Blow up in the comments section below.