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How to frame SEO friendly post Title for Blog – Traffic Strategy

blog post title

Generate Traffic with SEO Friendly Post Titles on your Blog

Search Engine Optimisation aka SEO is greatly an important factor that every blogger puts in more effort on. So, why this post on SEO friendly post title? It is a technique wherein, the blog can show up in google search results for any particular keyword being searched. It is evident that many bloggers fail to follow proper SEO strategies. Also, for ranking gmb see Local Client Takeover and get the best SEO experience. Many bloggers are aware of SEO friendly themes on WordPress, but the question is.

Will using SEO friendly theme or template just increase your credibility in google search results?

The Answer is plainly ‘NO’.

The Google Algorithm Updates such as ‘Panda update’ and ‘Penguin update’ made the blogs that just used SEO friendly themes and templates fail. By this time, the higher search engine ranking is never related to your blog theme design codes. Instead, a more credible factor turns out to be the ‘Blog Post Title’. When you have over 100 articles

When you have over 100 articles on your blog, some may be popular while some do not get views. What is the reason for this at the backend? Why is it only a few articles that get major traffic?

Answer: The main reason is that the search volumes for those credible keywords placed on your blog title matched SEO standards. The Keyword Research is an important factor while writing an SEO friendly post title. This study is covered broadly under the On-Page SEO optimisations. For better SEO services, find out here now to know what you can do.

A Rule of thumb: The keywords must be essentially present in your blog post titles which are added in the algorithm updates.

For an example,

  1. Make your Blog Title SEO Friendly (Moderate title – will acquire less CTR)
  2. The unique Guide that makes your Blog SEO Friendly (Great title, fetches more CTR)

As we had already discussed that SEO friendly post title is greatly important for rankings, it must also be a factor that can fetch more CTR. If this step fails, your articles may not receive the traffic it would get otherwise.

Okay, so what is this post more about?

This post is more about, How to Write SEO Friendly articles that get more Search Traffic and higher CTR

How to Write SEO Friendly articles that get more Search Traffic and higher CTR?

The Example we are going to look into is “Make your Blog Title SEO Friendly”

3 Simple Steps to Write SEO Friendly Post Title

In the case you are new to SEO friendly post title , let me put it straight to you – “Your Focus Keyword must be in the Blog Post Title”

Try to get the catch phrase keyword and that is the first phase of analysis. Use keyword planner such as Google Keyword planner to research about the search volumes of the keyword you are using on your posts. The results are the number of searches that are made in google with that specific keyword. Why do we do this? If the keyword chosen by you is lacking the search volume, then there is hardly any chance for search engines to provide your article to the interested people.  After analysis, you can also see the high volume search keywords as suggestions. Take a note of the suggestions too (in your mind)

Since you have figured out the keywords based on search volume, its time for you to Insert the keywords into the post title.  Since our example title is “Make your Blog Title SEO Friendly”, let us make insertions.

Chosen Focus Keyword: ‘SEO traffic’

Now the title becomes, “SEO traffic tips to frame your blog title”

This title is SEO friendly and it’s attractive to read. But, wait a minute. Will this fetch me a good CTR? Well, the answer is: ‘Not up to the mark’.

To Make it up to the mark, concentrate on the next part.

Wishes to you! Now, that the new finally phrased title becomes:

“6 Awesome SEO Traffic tips to phrase your blog title”

This point, the title is both SEO friendly and also provides better CTR. At the same time, ensure that the numbers mentioned matches with your content. Never try to fool your viewers with fake titles. When you mention 6 ways, do stick to the point of providing 6 or more ways. Providing lesser than the points mentioned in the title doesn’t reflect bad, but negatively affects the viewer satisfaction.

The second Important thing in SEO optimised content is the usage of a proper permalink.

The numerical that you had used in your title should be avoided in permalinks. So, better have a permalink of the article like,

rather than

I hope you have learnt how to phrase your blog post title and permalink from this post. Want to make any suggestions? Do let us know in the comment section below.

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